Sunday, September 16, 2007

A fifth, and a third

Last two nights I've had decent cashes. I played the 10pm $55 yesterday and busted fairly unsatisfactorily, so I played the 11pm $22. I finished 5th in this for $160, which was nice. I showed a bluff on the FT for about the first time ever, when I outplayed the fellow on my left in a SB/BB battle. It was a "look, I can play" message after he (and others) had been stealing my blinds for a while. It had an odd effect as my blinds were not attacked for a bit, and my raises respected. Interesting.

Tonight I had a crack at the 10pm $55 and finished 3rd for exaclty $600 (1st was $1800, 2nd $1200).

I doubled up quite early against a weak player when my AQ beat his TT on a A-high flop. Most of the money went in after the Ace hit.

A couple of orbits later (with blinds at 25/50) my AK ran into a terrible players KQ, and a short-stacks AA. If shorty had more chips I'd have been able to get away pf, but I couldn't and with a Q on the flop I lost the side pot too.

2 hands later I double up when my AJ raises 3x to 300 and one player calls. I push into a K32 board, and he calls holding AT! Up to 2100.

A few hands later (still short-ish) I'm dealt JJ in the SB and of course push over a raiser, who thinking I'm doing this light (as I might be) calls with 77. Up to 3500.

4 hand later I have an amazing stroke of luck, when I completely misplay ATs early. I open limp, and call a 3x(450) raise from the player to my left which the SB calls before me. Flop A5J. I bet 900 and villain flat calls. I'm pretty sure I'm beat now, but villain has got so few chips I'd be compelled to call really. Anyway we both check the turn and the river (which is a queen). Astoundingly he had AQ and had rivered 2-pair. How he didn't get all his chips in is beyond me. Back to 2100.

I get AQ in the BB, and scoop up some limpers (and a short who calls my push) but I'm not seeing too many cards. I pick up the blinds with QQ, and then A10. And these two raises allow me to get paid off by 99 which is an overpair to the board. Up to 5300 which is a bit above average at this stage.

Being dealt AA helps me out later, and I'm up to 7500.

I suck out for the first time when a fellow who has been raising a lot from anywhere on the table raises UTG (I'm UTG+1). I make a push with AQ, and suck out against his KK. Oops. All the money went in pf. I slow down a bit after this, althogh I end up restealing from him 2 in short order when he makes a clear move at my BB, and then raises when I'm holding TT on the button. Up to 19k.

I go quiet for a bit, and lose blinds for a couple of orbits before defending my BB with 84s against one weak player. I'm quite pleased with this play. Using my image (if they are watching) and identifying the target. We're approaching the bubble now for the final table, and I hit some hands. After the 48 I get -xx-AQ-xx-xx-xx-55-KK-AQ-xx-xx-xx-xx-QQ and they all take it preflop apart from the KK which scoops a lovely pot after the fellow on my right restole from an earlier raiser.

Final table time and I'm the chip leader with 48k (others 10/15/25/8/10/15/35/12). Playing a big stack here is definitely a weakness in my game. I generally try and stay out of marginal situations, and I certainly don't attack the shorter stacks enough. I should be pushing (I think) into the medium stacks. I've largely cut out the raise/folds but if I go card dead I'm not sure how many moves to make here.

Anyway I get QQ, and AJ, which win, then AK which is beaten my 33. I turn an Ace, he has 3 outs on the river - 2x3, and the 2 of clubs for a straight flush.
----- RIVER ----- [6s 4c 5c Ac][2c]

I then get AJs in the BB which faces an all-in for 27k (I'm playing 46k). Do you call here? I didn't, although I called with much less later.

I'm down to 28k, when I call with A7, aganst a raise with J9. Looking at this, this call makes the AJ fold earlier much worse.

I double back up to a playable stack with AJvA7. By this time, we're down to 4 players (31k/40k/74k/33k-me). One leaves next hand (who played like a maniac with a short stack and I'm amazed noone took a stand against him. I would have been calling him with all kinds of junk.

Playing short-handed quite often the play folded round to the SB and it went complete-push-fold. I've got to start completing with good hands, and calling the pushes. I've done this with monsters, but I've got to start doing this with a much wider range (77+,A8+) if I'm sure the BB will try and take it from me.

Play goes back and forth a bit with three left, until I run into my second straight flush of the evening when my A9 loses to QJs. I'd sucked out a bit before this so I can't complain about the cards.

I had some luck in this tourny (and I'm the kind of player who really remembers it, leading to this blog giving the impression I'm a poorer player than I am as I list my suck-outs) but I played fairly well. There was at least 1 pretty good player at the table, but I still felt comfortable. I've just got to get better at playing a big stack.

Bankroll $3700.


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