Thursday, August 16, 2007

5th in the 6k

I entered the £22, 6k guaranteed tourny last night and came in a very creditable 5th place for £370. Good money - but the winner (who played very well) got over £1500.

I've read through the hand history a couple of times and here are the high (and low-)lights

I doubled up three times reasonably early.
1) Blinds 15/30. Holding AKo Raise to 120 from MP. 2 callers. Flop
79A. Double up off opponent holding AJ
2) Blinds 50/100. QQ. Raise to 300 from the CO. Button pushed for
3.6k. I call. He flips AK and I hold up. Playing 7k now.
3) Blinds 150/300/25. KK in SB. Folded round to me. I complete. BB pushes(!). I call. He has 95o(!!), and flops a gut-shotstraight draw which misses. Apparently his wife was watching and berates him for the play. Chuckle. 14k chips.

I'm clearly a bit lucky to get such muppet play as that, with players massively overplaying their bluffs, and unable to lay down AJ. Plus the coin-flip with the Queens helped.

After that it was up and down for a while.
Blinds 200/400/50a. 44 in BB. Call a push to 1590 from SB who has 99. Down to 12k
Button raise w/k3o is defended. I give up. 9k
Blinds 400/800/100a. M=5. Push from button with Q8. SB calls with 77, and I flop a straight. 17k in chips

Woo-hoo! I got lucky when I needed to in this tournament, and whilst playing solidly I didn't really out-play opponents too many times.

Raise UTG+1 to 2400 with AT. Fold to a MP push.
I'm raise-folding far too much at the moment. I've got to be calling with a higher percentage of my hands, and I think in these tournaments that means raising less and re-raising more. Ho hum.

Raise button to 2400 with A2. SB and BB both call and I fold on a K89 flop. 10k.
Push UTG with K9s. (M=5). Win uncontested.
Button pushes for 4.4k. I re-raise in SB to 10k with 99 and win against his 89o. Up to 16k
(next hand). UTG raises to 5k. I re-raise push on button with KQo and win against his JTs. Up to 25k

Although I'm getting much better at my short-stack play, identifying when opponents are pushing with any two and re-raising to isolate.

600/1200/150a K8 in BB. SB completes. I check. Flop AAQ. Check-Check. Turn 8. I am check-raised, call and call a bet on
a rivered King. He had AJ. nh. Down to 12k

I've gotta check this turn against a thinking opponent. There's really not much he's going to call with that I'm beating and I should have kept the pot small. The K on the river improves things for me, but I shouldn't have bloated the pot allowing a much larger river bet.

Push Qj from SB. Win
Push A4 from HJ. Win
Push AK from MP. Win 21k.

My small stack pushed worked in this tourny with no one really wanting to gamble it up.

16000/800/200a. M=4.5. Push from HJ with KT. Win
BB with 99. Call Shorties push. He has 77, and wins.

Only bad beat of the tourney (!).

SB with AJ. Push my 14k, and double through against BBs TT.

Getting marginally lucky again

Button raise to 4800 with QJs. Fold to BB defend.

Bad play. Stop raise-folding.

UTG pushes to 37.3k. I'm in CO w/AQ. I fold (?!)
I wasn't at all sure about this. It was a big bet, and it was very hard to assign villain a range here. Anyway I folded - which was a probably mistake as the BB called and both showed smaller aces than me.

1200/2400/300a (M=3) Push K9 from MP. Win.
Raise 3x with QQ from MP. Call SB pushes for 4k more. Both call. Flop rags. Push/Call. We've both got QQ. 42k

Raise 4x from button with 33. Bet 10k into A92 board, and fold to a push. Good fold, bad cont bet(?) 20k

Bet-fold AGAIN! Stop it. Make others fold to your bets. I'm making moves that work on smaller tables, but not here.

Push ATo
Push AKo over early raiser and scoop 64k

See a free flop with 63d. Flop K22. 2 diamonds. I check-min-reraise flop bet to get a free card. Turn is a 3rd diamond which We both check. River 9c, which I value bet for 12000. Get a call from QQ(with Qd) 93k

Hmmm. I actually like the min-reraise here. It smells of strength, and has a good chance of allowing me to see the river for free. Having hit my flush on the turn the check is a bit meh, as a fourth diamond on the river leaves me in a horrible spot.

Last hand:
Interesting stacks (93k/25k/24k/170k/90k(me)) ATo UTG I raise 3x. BB calls. Flop 456r. Check-Check. Turn 9. He bets 15000, I push, he calls with a set of 9s. nh, gg etc etc.

I spent some time wondering about this hand. When I went to bed I thought I'd got it wrong, but by the time I went to sleep I was more happy. Villain here was the table captain. He is a high-stakes cash game player and was just starting to bully people around. The chips he won of me allowed him to walk the remainder of the tourney whilst the other three players tried to fold into second. I don't really mind taking a stand here. I have to at some stage and if I can't be folding hoping that others will get knocked out first. Sure, my timing sucked, but there isn't really anything I can do.

Bankroll up above $3k. Just.


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