Wednesday, August 01, 2007

He was pushing with air!

After lasts night post I made a brave/stupid call and he was bluffing!

I have a stack of 2650 on the button, the cut-off who has 3000 chips raises to 600 (blinds 75/100). I've just doubled up (outrageously) having had no cards since the tourny started. I call the raise, holding 99, and the blinds fold. Flop 582. He checks; I bet 900, leaving me 1100 behind. Before I bet I reckon if he raises me here I'm probably beat. He raises me (all-in). I'm getting huge odds on the call and am really short if I fold and he doesn't have to be bluffing much to make it worth my while, so I call. He turns over AK and spikes a K on the turn.

With the stacks as they are the bet-size doesn't feel right whatever I do. I'm not getting away from the hand, but I have enough to want to induce a bluff from AK (as I did). Assuming I'm not folding this, and not checking behind it may be the odd-sized bet is right - and here it is villain who is making a mistake with the CR as I've not got enough to bet-fold.

Notes to self:
1) I need to consider opponents plays at all stages of a hand, not merely pre-flop
2) I need to consider stack/pot sizes and how it will play out (the above being a good example).
3) I need to concentrate more at the begninning of tournies and take more notes. I did this when I was 'new' to the $55/£25 level, as I felt I needed to concentrate to give me an edge. I don't, I do have a small edge, but I'm just throwing money away by not concentrating.


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