Thursday, August 09, 2007

Well, a cash - but not entirely satisfactory

Finished 12th in the $4500 this evening for a cash of $54 (a $1 loss on the evening).

For the first time in ages I got some cards early - in fact I moved from my starting 1500 chips to 6000 quite quickly. I had the great good fortune early to be dealt KK against two players with QQ, and then I flopped a flush and (separately) a straight. The flush I played quite well, but the straight I played quite badly - being afraid of action and make large bets on the flop and turn to drive my opponent away.

Its quite hard to steal blinds in this tourny, as people defend their blinds so often, and I played badly in this regard. Raise/folding a bit and not defending on a couple of occasions.

I had one outrageous piece of good fortune in the middle game when I did make a move. Blinds 150/300 I'm playing a stack of 6.5k and raise to 900 from the CO. The button flat calls. Junk flop of 743 2 diamonds. I check - he bets 1500 (as I knew he would) but I misjudge his hand completely and check-raise him all-in (to 5600) and he turns over QQ. He thought for a bit before making the call and I wonder if he's actually considering passing. Probably not, but I'm not sure he was convinced he was ahead. Anyway turn 5, river 6 for an unlikely straight.

I'm not playing 12/13k and in the top 3.

I made a couple of good moves against poor-ish players, but lost a lot of chips when I raise to 900 with AQ from MP and the SB calls. Flop A94r. Looks good. SB bets 900, I raise to 2100, and they 3-bet me all-in to 6415. Perhaps I should be able to find a fold here. Its a brave move from them - and although you occasionally get check-raised with air (see above) I've never seen anyone 3-bet that light.

So, what can they have. 44/99/AK/A9 are I guess the most likely, possibly AQ as well. I'm not sure they are making this move with AT/AJ. Anyway I call and they are actually playing A4. So I've got 3 Queens, 3nines, and 3 kings after the turn, but they miss. I'm getting 2.5:1 on the call, so amazingly I've got the odds to call here (pokerstove tells me its 28.7:71.3 - exaclty 2.5:1), but I'm not that normally. Against a more realistic range as above I'm only 15%. I should have folded. Anyway with a shorter stack I play a lot better and stick my chips in with air a couple of time before getting called by the BB's QQ when I push with 56o from the button.

I'm not at all happy with my play tonight. I played far too scared in the middle period and should have been more aggressive on the bubble too. I could perhaps have laid down the AQ hand too.

Maybe I'll move back down to the $25 level after all.


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