Tuesday, July 03, 2007

It had to happen - a second place

After a good run of wins I got a second place in the £22 on Crypto this evening. I was very short-stacked early, but hit some cards to get into a decent position near the bubble and then played well till the end.

There were 95 entrants and only the top 10 paid.

Once on the final table I had a good chip lead which I extended quite easily, through some simple aggression (I only re-stole once IIRC) but my stack was enough to put other people of tangling with me. I had enought to make calls from various short-stacks and ended up heads-up for with about a 2:1 chip lead - although the blinds were quite big. Unusually for me I was outplayed a bit heads up. I had virtually no cards, but most of my raises and re-raises were called. I suspect my opponent hit hands when he needed to, but it wasn't great. I ended up about down 2:1, climbed back to even, back down to 2:1 when the last hand came up. I had AT and raised from the button. He reraised as I knew he would and I pushed. He called with a 5, and although I hit my 10 on the flop he hit runner-runner straight for the game.

Still £380 isn't too bad for an evenings work. The good form continues.


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