Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Feeling comfortable at the higher levels

I went through my hotmail account the other day and wrote down all the significant cashes from my MTT 'career'. The intention was to post them here, as a record so I can refer back to them (and hopefully add to them) as I go. Of course I left the paper at work, so can't now do it. D'oh.

I'd be adding to it again actually, as last night I played the $55 on Crypto at 10pm. It was an impulse decision to buy in. I've rarely been buying fully into these, preferring to satellite in on an occasional basis, but signed up. I'm glad I did, as I came in third for about $650. I played pretty well, and felt entirely comfortable at the level for the first time I think. There was still an extraorinary amount of poor players, but come the final table most (but not all) had been eliminated.

There was one fellow there who told me the URL of his blog, which I am going to continue reading. It actually gives me a good insight into his mindset, and some strategic thinking, which is more useful to gain an understanding of the level he is thinking at, and I'm not convinced its any higher than mine.

He and some of the other final tablers are clearly very regular and highly profitable participants, but I certainly didn't feel out-classed. I thought that they were not as creative as me, and certainly less aggressive. There was much less re-stealing for example than you'd expect, and much all-round weakness. Which was fine.

I built up a decent stack and so I was experimenting a bit with calling pre-flop pushes from shorties with marginal holdings (A5o,KQo) because if I was them I'd be pushing any two. In this case they weren't really, but I had enough chips not to cause any serious damage.

I made a couple of dodgy plays, getting involved in unneccesary blind V blind battles but hit cards when I needed to. I was also immensely fortunate that when short-stacked (M=~4.5) I started pushing a lot to pick up the blinds and was never called. I nearly doubled my stack with that.

My last hand was at least vaguely interesting. The chips are divided up in a ratio of about 5,000/10,000/4,000 on the Button/SB/BB. I'm shorty in the BB. The BB is roughly 500, and the button raises 3x. I've got A2o. I ended up pushing, but I'm not sure I like any of the options really. I'm not getting called by much that I'm ahead of, and I'm way behind when I am behind. Still he calls and turns over AJ and I'm toast. Perhaps I should have folded that and moved on, but I didn't.

My bankroll is now an impressive (for me) $3250, so I'll be playing more of the £25/$50 games for a while.


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