Saturday, July 28, 2007

1 more minor cash - but some criticism of my play

Back from camping a couple of days ago (aborted early because of the foul weather).

Last night I played a $55 tourny on Stars which I shouldn't have done as
1) I was still tired
2) There are some decent players in these tournies and I wasn't 'match-fit' having taken a week out
3) My brain wasn't screwed on.

Most particularly I failed in some style to adapt to the slower structure, and 3000 starting chips. I played way too aggressively, and misplayed AKs on a KQJ flop to donate too many of my chips to an opponent holding JJ. You really can play these patiently and I didn't. I then had a crack at a $10 headhunter, which I continue to hate, and continue to do terribly in when I do play. Stupid idea on every level those tournies. I was clearly on tilt even enterring, and had no hands the entire tourny. Still it was cheap enough.

Tonight I played a 101 person £22 on Crypto, finishing 7th for ~£80. Small beer. I made a number of loose calls from short-stacks and got quite a berating off one player.

ante=200,SB=800,BB=1600 (pot initally 3000)
being dealt K9o in the BB the button pushes for 7300, I have to call 5700 to have a chance of winning 11000.

I seriously reckon his range is any two here, but even if we make it, 22+, A2+, K7+, and any two other paint cards (roughly the top 33% of hands) I'm about 41% to win. Clear call.

He had ATo, I sucked out and got flamed ("yeah, but K9o, c'mon!")

Ante=300, SB=1200, BB=2400 (pot initally 5700)
Cut-off pushes for 6816, I'm in the BB holding 63o.
I have to call 4416 to have a chance of winning a pot of 12516

If we give villain the same range as before I'm about 31% to win the pot. So this again is a clear +cEV situation, and almost certainly a +$eV situation too. I was playing 20,000 chips at the start of the hand, and whilst it could be argued I'm better off saving my chips to be stealing/raising I don't hate this at all.

Still a couple of players have me marked down as a complete moron. Ho ho.

(Minor annoyance - in a 101 person Crypto tourny the top 20 pay (in a 100 person tourny the top 10 do) with positions 20-11 getting back slightly LESS than their buyin. Although this benefits players who understand bubble play it adds an air of farce to the situation).


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