Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I think I win the worst-played hand award

Playing in the £22 1500guaranteed last night I'd doubled up fairly early and was coasting through the game having not had many hands and not really paying attention.

We're down to about 35 left (top 10 pay) and I am slightly under the average stack with ~3500. Blinds 50/100. I am dealt QQ UTG and decide to limp-raise. I've no idea why. I haven't been paying enough attention to the table to work out if I'm going to get raised a high proportion of the time, I haven't open limped all evening (so it looks suss) and QQ isn't AA. Anyway plan A doesn't work. One caller from LP, the SB completes and its 4 to the flop which is AA6. Fantastic. I bet 300 into the pot, representing an Ace. I'm one of the few players at these tables who wouldn't check an Ace here. Anyway LP min-raises me. Now what? He may well believe I'm not betting an Ace there and is raising with air (I do some time) so I re-raise him back to 1k and he calls (I'm folding to a push here). I can't remember what the turn was, but we both check it and the river is a 4. I check/call a push and he turns over A4 for a rivered full house.

If I can see his cards what can I do? Obviously raise pre-flop, but there is actually a small chance a turn push will take the pot. He may not be good enough to fold trip aces with a 4-kicker (especially if he's playing A4 against an EP limper). I checked the river to induce a bluff - but what is he pushing here with? If he has TT, then he's probably checking behind, if he has KQ then he's folding to be flop re-raise.

Grim stuff.


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