Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Running badly, but off to Vegas!

The poker is not going well at the moment. I'm not playing great, I'm not getting many cards and I'm not getting lucky (when I'm ahead or behind). And my bankroll is getting a little light. I've withdrawn a good amount recently to take me back down to ~$2350 so I've moved down to the $20 level for a bit. This is partly because of bankroll issues, and partly just to get some confidence back. Every move I'm making is at the wrong time, and every marginal call I make at the moment wrong.

It could be argued moving down won't do me a vast amount of good as the play is so bad it will take me a while to adjust my ranges now, and then when I move back up again, but I am for a while.

Anyway, the reason my bankroll is a bit light is because I've withdrawn
1) £300 to pay for a food processor for my wife and DS for my son
2) £600 to pay for a flight and hotel in Vegas in early Feb and
3) £1200 as a bankroll while I am away.

It equally amazing that I am able to finance such a trip entirely though my poker winnings, and that my wife has allowed me to go. My brother is not allowed by his wife (although he does have a young baby to be fair) so I am flying solo. I don't mind that actually. The travelling should be easy as the flights are direct and as I've been before I know what to expect. The only thing that will be weird is eating by myself all the time, but I'll carry a book around with me to read at the (food)

I'm away for 3 full days, and 2 1/2 days (I won't play on the day I fly back), and the plan is to play in 2 tournies a day (probably coming to $900 in entry fees) and some $1/2 NL cash. My guess is I won't cash in any of the tournaments, but I will make a small profit on the cash tables. We'll see.

Funnily enough the last time I went to Vegas I cashed out of my poker account to pay for the trip and went on a terrible run online so got to Vegas low on confidence. I didn't play well while I was there really and got a bit unlucky too. This trip has started in exactly the same way - so I'm hoping my luck changes and my mojo returns.

29 days and counting ....


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