Sunday, December 23, 2007

A little bit up, a little bit down.

I haven't played that much over the last couple of weeks. Things have been buy at work, and so I've been turning in early rather than arriving in shattered. For once.

The last few nights I've played again in the $55/108s and had some minor cashes but nothing really notable. I'm probably down a little.

I final-tabled the Pokerroom $108 today, coming in 9th for $360, but I didn't play that well. I doubled up very early, then bled chips a bit in the early stages to get back to nearly where I was. I just wasn't concentrating. When I got a bit short, I stuck my chips in behind and - the first time in ages - sucked out on someone. I've not been particularly lucky of late so I've deserved that. I then played reasonably and was in 3/4 place with about 18 left (top 10 pay. 130 runners) but the blinds were still fairly large for me. I was doing OK, but tightened up too much on the bubble (which I misread - hand-for-hand started from 12 players - shows how focussed I really was) and although I was raising OK, I only restole once which was definitely the wrong play.

Shortly after reaching the FT one player busted and I'm in the BB with 83s. The CO min-raises. Either he's got a monster and is asking for the resteal, or he's a bad player. I don't think he's been at my table (although as I say I wasn't paying too much attention) and I pushed. Its not that terrible as my position wasn't great - 8th of 9 and a good way from the person in 7th. I need to get chips and this isn't a terrible spot despite my shocking cards. Anyway he has AA, and although I flop a pair I don't suck out.

With these $100 tournies I still don't feel comfortable enough to really push it when it gets down to the last 2 tables, and I certainly need to.

Separately I'm thinking of another poker-funded Vegas trip which I can afford from my account (say £500-700 travel/accom and $2000 spending money) but I can't afford it easily. So although my bankroll is still healthy you could argue I've already mentally written a chunk of it off.

Oh, and the more I play tournaments where <10% of the field pay the less I like them.


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