Monday, November 26, 2007

I really need to work at my big stack play

I made a lot of chips early tonight in the 9.30 13.5k guaranteed $55 on Crytpo.

Within the first orbit I doubled up when holding JJ. I called a pre-flop raise and the board came Q32 all clubs. Checked round. Turn was the Jack of clubs, and the river the case Jack. My opponent had QQ, and of course went bust, all the money going in on the river.

I'm then dealt AA twice in two hands, taking pots without going to showdown. Next hand I get QQ and I'm then up to 5.8k, nearly treble my starting stack.

I then over-think my image slightly, when some guy limps UTG with QQ, and I'm holding TT from mp. I see a flop of 334, and he check-raises me. He actually doesn't raise a huge amount, so going by my people-play-back-at-me-when-I've-been-betting-a-lot theory I push and he of course calls. Back down to 4.2k

I raise AQ from early position and the same villain from the previous hand calls. I lead into a junk flop, he calls and I check-fold the turn. Very tempting to fire the second barrel.

Continuing the action (it all happened stupidly quick all this) I get JJ in the SB and an early postion limper raises all-in. I make a loose-ish call (thinking of my image here) and he turns over TT. Which is great in this hand, but I reckon thats right at the bottom of his range and I should probably have laid it down here. Back up to 6.6k.

2 hands later I see a flop with JTs. from LP. I fire into a 833 board, and have a caller. He bets small onto a J turn (300 into a pot of 1600) , and I call. I river another Jack and he bets small again. Looking back I didn't realise I had a full house until I was considering his bet as I was thinking of calling worrying about my kicker. I raised, he pushed and turned over 88. Another nice river, but I'm getting away from that hand quite cheaply normally. Up to 8950.

I fold for 3 orbits and pick up JJ in the big blind. Blinds are now 150/300. UTG+1 minraises, and MP calls. I make it 2400 and MP calls. Villain in this hand has proven to be pretty loose-passive and I can't give him credit for much here. I've then got 5625 remaining and the pot is 5550. The board is 9K3, and with the 1 over card I push. He's got a set of 9s and I'm toast. I don't think I can check here as he's not bluffing at it if he's missed it going by his previous action, and I'm happy not showing my cards here.

When I busted I felt I'd played the tournament badly - although I hadn't actually. Sure I got lucky on a few occasions to make a big stack, but other than missing a value bet on the river with a K-high flush I didn't do a vast amount wrong.

The heading to this post captures how I felt when I busted and when I sat down to review the HH, but having watched it back through (PokerReplayer is lovely) I'm not so disappointed as I was.


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