Sunday, November 25, 2007

2 cashes ... some bad luck .. then a win!

I've been playing a bit the last few nights, and final-tables the 10pm Crypto $55 twice, but only coming in 6th and 10th for a small number of pounds. I played both games pretty well, but got stuck getting too aggressive at the end.

After that I had a little spell of not getting the luck I needed when I needed, and being sucked out on the rest of the time so its been a small dry spell.

I've also taken to multi-tabling now, signing up for two tournaments at the same time if I can (especially if the number of runners is similar - so they progress at roughly the same pace. I may continue with this, I'm not sure, although I tend to only concentrate (and then not much) on one table at a time.

Tonight I ran OK in the Pokerroom $109, busting about 17th in a 80-man field having been unable to lay down Aces post flop (on a Q74 board). I raised pre-flop, 2 callers. I had position and it went Check-Check-Bet(me)-RAISE-CALL!! Fairly clearly at least one of these guys has me beat. I'm guessing that the check-raised could have TPTK, or better, but the flat-call of the check-raise smells extremely strong. Anyway although I saw it, I was far to attached to the AA and pushed, only to run into 2 sets. After that I made a good laydown of QQ against an early-position limp-reraiser who held AA, but busted being aggressive.

At the same time I played the crypto £22, £1500 guaranteed. It had 88 runners, and I won for £528. Very nice. While all the excitement was going on in the pokerroom tourny I had been folding the junk I was being dealt for the first few levels.

With the blinds at 50/100 I'm down to 1225 having not won a hand, and hardly seen a flop. In the BB I'm dealt J5, 4 players see a flop. Its checked-round 3 times. I river a J and I win 400. That doesn't happen often.

I lose the gains though 2 hands later playing KJo badly (weakly - although I ran into someone playing a rag ace, and my passivity saved me from giving them my chips).

Still in some trouble with 1175 chips in the BB I'm dealt AA, and nearly double up after short (with JJ) pushes into me. 2235.

I pick up a few more with KQvQT in the blinds, and settle down in the mid-game which I'm generally playing quite well these days. I've added the raise-pre-flop-with-air back into my arsenal these days, albeit sparingly. Oddly I'm defending blinds less at the moment than I have in a while.

From the HJ I raise 3x to 599 with K9s, and the button flat calls. We check the junk flop, and I bet 2/3 the pot onto a blank turn which he folds. In this tourny my continuation bets generally worked - some days they do etc etc. Up to 4700.

With these small tournies you get to the late stages quite quickly and I'm on the final 3 tables with about 4500 in chips. I raise with AK and take the blinds. Shortly after this I raise with QQ, and called and (fortunately) my continuation bet in a Kxx flop takes it.

I'm also playing slightly trickier at the moment. Well, basically I'm going for the limp-raise a bit more, and tried it with KK. 4 callers (not planned) and I see a Kxx flop. I lead into this for 1/2 the pot, but take it down uncontested. 6.8k.

Final 2 tables ...

I'm quiet for a couple of orbits until I hit AA in the BB and the CO raises into me. I consider flat-calling (or making a small raise) but instead push and he folds.

Its quite a weak table so I'm opening with a wide range from the button and SB than I normally do.

The table is down to 6 and I raise to 1299 from the CO with A9. The button flat-calls for 1/3 of his stack, but the flop comes Q99 and I bust him. We're down to 11 and I steal up from 13k to 16k till the bubble bursts when I have AA against QQ. I've got 23k as the final table starts, good enough for second (although its all quite close).

I'm quiet for 2 orbits, then get KQs in the button. Flat call an EP raise, and push the 899 flop with the flush draw. I raise from the button, defend my BB from a fairly obvious button steal and am up to 29k. Chip leader. 7 left.

I try a bit more stealing and am found out by one player (who luck-boxed his way into second place). Down to 22k. I then bust one played with KK>A10 (33k). Holding 67 I see a cheap flop 4-way from the SB, and hit an OESD on the flop. Bets on the flop (standard) and turn (probably ill-advised) chase of my opponents. I assume the remaining player who saw the turn has missed with his flush.

With 4 left its very close (38k(me)/35k/31k/27) against opponents none of whom I recognize, or rate particularly.

I then almost bust when 99 beats my AJs, and I'm down to 3778 UTG. I fold the J4o, and pick up JJ in the BB next hand beating A2. Up to 7556. My 103s makes a flush next hand and I'm back to 15k One double from being a threat. I fold my BB, win back with my SB and double up when my KQs>66. Back of the net. And back up to 30k. I defend successfully to keep the pressure on the others, and double up again. I have A7s in the BB which I flat-call the SBs raise with (assuming I'm ahead). He pushes the flop, and I call with the flush draw assuming I'm behind with the FD and probably the ace as outs, but he had an OESD and only 6 outs, which missed. 75 now. the other had 30/17/15.

One busts and its 75/45/15 in my favour. Shorty (poor player) doubles. 75/30/25 and I win a fair few when AJ>JT. The chip could is a dream 92/14/22 and the other two start playing for second as I bully the pair of them.

Eventually one busts the other when its 111/6/8 and I win the HU without too much fuss, winning plenty of pots without showdown or difficulty early (although I end up sucking out with K5vKJ).

My bankroll is now a shade under $6k.


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