Monday, October 15, 2007

Good play. Very good play.

I played superb poker last night. Everything I judged was right. The hand ranges I assigned to players was accurate. I bet when I was ahead and folded when I was behind. I didn't make a river bluff against one player who I was sure couldn't fold top pair, and I played against one weak player particularly well.

Of course I hit no hands, had to fold when they hit on the turn, and was always struggling to keep up. Last hand some fellow open-limped from MP (I was sure he had nothing at all). MP+1 limped too (knowing what I did) so I raised to isolate the bad player. He called, MP+1 folded. Lovely. I think I held A8, but it didn't really matter. There was a junk flop of 347 or something. He checked to me, and I pushed (we've both got about the pot left in our stacks, and he called with 45o. I was so flabbergasted I didn't watch the turn+river come down and later couldn't recall what the cards were at all.

Its a funny game poker. I played as well as I have in a very long time, always knowing where I stood in a hand (usually behind against a calling station), and I busted in about 65th of 100. What can you do?


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