Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bubble Bubble toil and trouble

I've managed to cash in a satellite to the £110 tourny on Sunday for the THIRD time, without winning a seat. This is in about 8-10 attempts. This evening, I came third ("winning" £12 in a £12+1 satellite) where the top 2 paid.

I played pretty well early, dodging and weaving fairly well. I've definitely tightened up my raising range recently (for the better) and an re-stealing on a less random basis too. Post-flop I'm still OK, but my short-handed play is improving most of all (although from a low base).

Early my moves worked, my raises were generally respected and I reached the FT in pretty good shape. With 6 left I'm in 3rd place. (8.2k/6.9k/5.5k/4.8k/3.7k/1.4k). Its going well and I'm dealt AKs UTG. I raise the 200BB to 600, and the button and the SB call. Flop 55J. The SB checks to me, I bet 1200 into the 2000 pot, and the buttong raises me to 2400. I let it go. Reluctantly.

Next hand I'm dealt KQs, in teh BB and shorty pushed for 1.4k. Its 1225, to see a pot of 1725, so I'm not getting great odds, but I do have a hand. If I put him on any pair, any ace, KT+ QJ+ pokerstove says I'm 46.9%. Looks like I have to call here. Anyway he turns over A4 and I fail to improve. Down to 2880.

I work it back up gradually, and the big stack keeps knocking everyone out! 4-handed I'm in second place when I take on shorty 99vA7s, and he flops an Ace. I steal a bit, one more player busts and the stacks are 24k/4.3k(me)2.9k.

Shorty doubles when he turns a straight against the big-stacks 2-pair so I've got to do something - but then I hit AQ in the BB, when the SB has KK and I'm gone.

I'll get in that tourny one day ....

Oh, and I bubbled in a Stars 180/12 turbo last night. I played just for fun really after busting in the $55. It was kind of fun, but the blinds go up *so* fast its a real crapshoot.


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