Sunday, February 10, 2008

Vegas Day 4 - A win!

No, honestly.

I only played in 1 tournament today the 2pm $70 tourny at Planet Hollywood, where me and this woman made the last 2 and chopped it when we were virtually dead even in chips (she had a tiny amount more). I made 1123, and gave the dealers $100, which I think is a reasonable tip. Fantastic. I'm chuffed to bits. I can't remember how many runners there were, but there was an alternate list and some people rebought in. I guess 100 runners.

I started off well, winning a couple of small pots but doubled up when my 55 hit a board of QJ5 (or something - I find it really hard to remember details of the tourny even though it only started 5 hours ago). I slow played it. There was a pre-flop raiser and I called his raise and he had position. I hollywooded it, shaking my head and checking, pondering long and hard about calling his bets, and I think I check-raised the turn all-in which he calls with top pair.

After that I made some nice moves and bluffs until we reach crap-shoot time with about 30 of the runners remaining. The blinds are reasonable for a while (20 minute levels - 400 starting chips) and the BB goes 50-100-200-300-600-1000-2000-3000-4000-5000-6000-8000. Which is OK apart from the 600-1000-2000 jump which is a killer. I was lucky through this stage hitting cards when I needed to, not being called when I made a move and getting out of trouble with marginal hands when the action was steep before me. Particularly useful was seeing a free flop with QTs and flopping a straight against one player, who I busted.

I was really concentrating at this stage on the blinds, when they went up and my chip stack (which I had to keep recounting because it never seemed to stick in my mind). If you can get through this middle stage with a reasonable stack you are not doing so badly.

The play from my opponents was generally pretty bad, and the few decent players were eliminated early. I was definitely the best player at the FT (much better than the woman I chopped with) and possibly the best at the last 2.

As things got down I was judging my raising ranges well, and the couple of times I was re-raised I generally got out of the way as I don't think those players were playing back at me too light.

I really can't remember too much about the FT now. I was helped by my blinds not often being attacked, and the woman in my SB (who I split with) playing absolutely predictably. If it was folded round to us (which it was surprisingly often) she'd complete and I could usually take it away when I bet after the flop. If she bet post (which was rarely) I knew she had something.

I had a little run of luck in the final table to knock players out - I think I nearly always got my money in ahead and the hands held up.

As the FT progressed a handful of people started watching it, presumably friends of the participants - but there were a couple of people who had busted and were staying to watch. It was a bit strange playing poker with people watching, but I felt entirely comfortable.

If I played on I would probably have won, but I didn't because although the blinds were reasonably small there is still a reasonable amount of luck involved. Actually the motivation was also the fact that the winnings were more than $1k if I split, and I also felt a bit bad for the dealer dealing what could (unlikely) have been a long session with just the two of us. Anyway, we had an even chip stack and it just seemed right. I think the split would have been 1400 for first, 800 for second. I was surprised noone suggested a split earlier.

The dealers and poker room manager were very friendly and I asked how much they thought I should tip. He said "entirely up to you sir" (fair enough) I had a little chat and initially thought about giving them the 23, but a ton seemed fairer - these guys make a lot more money from the cash games. The dealer said we appreciate it, and the manager told the guy who gave me the money (I was paid in casino chip at the end) that I'd sorted out the dealers, so I feel happy with that.

I think I'm in profit for the tournies now (I'll do the maths later). I'm also marginally up for the cash games too. I won about $6 at the IP yesterday (terribly - I pushed with AQ over a rag board and was called my KK and turned an A), won about 25 at Paris at an immensely tough table (I was fortunate enough to double up with KKvQQ and its the only way I got out of there with much money - there were 3, possibly 4 players who were very very strong), and then before the tournament today I won about $70 at PH. I sat down as they were starting a new table, and one fellow cam over from the limit game with about $80. First hand I'm dealt AA from EP. I raise, and there are 2 caller. I bet $20 into the pot, this fellow raises to $40, and I don't like the idea of him holding QJ, but go over the top and he calls with AQ. Poor guy - been playing for ages at limit and then busted first hand.

An amazing day. Its now 7:40pm, and I haven't eaten a mouthful since my Caesars breakfast buffet this morning (very good BTW). So as the adrenaline wears off and I calm down I feel very hungry. I may well not play any more poker now. I'm kinda zonked and I don't want to lose my winnings at the cash game.

Frankly I just feel like getting drunk, but I won't. I might have a beer with my meal this evening though!

For the record my best recollection of the tournaments I played in is:
Yesterday [Friday]
Caesars 9am $70
Sahara 11am $62
PH 3pm $70

Today [Saturday]
PH 2pm $70

So thinking about it I should be comfortably in profit for the trip. We'll see when I add all my money up! A fantastic day though. My first live cash, and live win at the same time.


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