Friday, February 08, 2008

Vegas day 3

Well I had a session at the Excalibur playing 1/2 NL which ended pretty badly. When I arrived I took the seat of someone who was requesting a table change - which was probably a bad sign - so I played pretty tight early.

There were a couple of people who knew what they were doing - and about 5 Brits at the table but there was a few donkeys, as you'd expect. I bought in for $200 and was soon up to somewhere between $270 and $210 as my stack jumped around. I was getting tired when some new guy sat in on my left and immediately (apparently) started attacking my raises. It was very strange, much more like a tournament. I never saw what he had, so he may have had the goods. Anyway on the penultimate hand of the evening for me I see a call a LP raise with with 44, and the flop comes 762. Its checked around. The turn is a 4.

The BB bets $50 into a pot of about $40 and I'm stumped. This guy has played really badly since he's been at the table. He could be bluffing but I've got a feeling he's got 58 for the straight. He seems the only person who would call a raise with that.

I think for ages and flat call, only for the fellow to my left (who has been picking on me) to come over the top all in for another $65. The BB folds and I'm now sure I'm ahead and insta-call. Unfortunately its this idiot who called a raise with 85o and has the straight and I need the board to pair on the river - which it doesn't. I fold the next hand and leave $70 down. I was gutted at the time, and still am really, but it was only £35 in real money.

Today I've played a couple of tournaments, cheap ones. Again buying in for the $65 at Caesars, and then playing at the Sahara.

At Caesars you have to make moves early to stay ahead of the game, and I did, really well. One of the things I'm best at at poker is knowing where I am in a game and I'm sure I'm the best player at that table by some way. Anyway I nearly doubles my starting stack to 4000, possibly without showing a hand down. In one move there was a free flop to 4 players and the button bet into a 852r flop. I've got nothing, but I don't think he has much and so I decide to call and bluff the turn. The turn is a T, again I've got nothing and I bet and he folds, showing the 8. Really, really good play. Very happy.

There was one fellow who was startlingly terrrible calling with bottom pair, and hitting cards who called my pfr. I held AT. The board comes A87 and he bets the flop, turn and river. I call each time and he turns over A7 for 2 pair. Its a tough way to lose chips, but I think he's betting A2 there also and I'm not raising with one pair.

That lost me most of my chips and then I push JT when the blinds go up, and am called by the button with AKs. The flop comes Jxx, the turn T, but the river is a Q. The fellow apologised and said he had to call (durr).

After that I hot footed it over to the Sahara where there were a few decent players in a much tougher field. I can't think of a single occasion where the blinds were taken by one raise - although there were a few re-raises.

I had two very laggy players to my right, and managed to get plenty of the chips from one player who called a raise from me, and a flop bet only to fold to my turn bet. He's obviously not got much and is planning a river bluff if I don't bet. As it was I had nothing but an OESD, but I'd committed enough to call if he comes over the top of me.

My luck runs out after a while though, and I chop a couple of pots and bleed chips with a couple of loose calls. I end up open limping from MP with KJo (debatable - I rarely do this) and the flop comes KTT. I bet and am check-min-raised by the SB, who clearly had a K. I pushed over him and of course he calls, and I'm dead. Its poor play all round really. If I raise pf I've got a chance of him folding his hand which wasn't great and I should probably have checked the flop, aiming to play a small flop.

I'm enjoying these cheap tournaments though. I think I'll play in a few more of these rather than buying into the bigger tournies. The Caesars one is something of a crap-shoot, but the play is so bad I've still got a decent edge.


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