Saturday, May 19, 2007

Poor play in the £20 tourny

Poor play by me that is.

I got my share of good hands - and had a good chip stack at one stage, but I didn't feel I played that well.

Early was fairly straightforward, and I'd taken down a few pots without going to showdown - but usually having the goods, (I never show - a topic for another day), and my stack moved from 1500 to 2500.

I then pick up 77 in the hijack seat, raise 3x to 300, and the BB playing 1480 pushes. Its 1180 to see a pot of >3k (counting my chips if I call) and I have to call. I think villain's range is reasonably large based upon previous hands and the relatively low chip-count so do. Villain turns over KJ, and I lose the race. Down to 1075.

I get back into the game 4 hands later when UTG+1 calls, I raise 4x with AQo from UTG+2, and the SB pushed for 2205. Folded round to me. Its 675 to see a pot of 2350, and I suck-out against AK.

4 hands later and I see 44 in the BB. rather optimistically I call a 3x raise from the CO with one earlier limper (who I am happy to see call this raise) and then I check the flop of Q43 rainbow. The earlier limper bets 200, the original raiser pushed for 2300 and I of course call. Up to 5200.

5 hands later (this all happens in short order - despite my chips rising my table image is terrible, as I'm also raising and betting quite a bit - all with made hands minds - for once) and I get KK in MP. I open-raise 3x to 300, the button and the SB call (my terrible image y'see) and I'm chuffed to see a flop of 48K rainbow.

I check the flop, and call a small bet from the button. The turn brings a 2 (a second heart) and I bet 1000 into about a 1800 pot, to price the heart draw out, and he pushes, with the draw. which misses on the river. I now have just under 10k chips, good enough for 4th in the tourny at this point where I stay for ages.

I do wobble around +/-2k though, as I play badly, but pick up KK and QQ to get my chips back.

Things start to go wrong here though. My attempts at blind steals go awry when they are defended, and the same couple of people are attacking mine for a few orbits. I *think* this is coincidence, but it might not be.

I pick up KQ with connects with a K25 board to see me back to 9900. No cards for the next 3 orbits frustrates me (the best was 66 UTG) and I'm a bit fortunate to win with my AQ against AJ on a JT9 monochromote flop. I rivered a Q, rather than representing a better hand. Back up to 11.5k

I lose some of my chips when my MP raise with TT is runs into KQs. I raise 3x to 900, the person to my left pushes to 4800, and I call. I'm not at all sure whether this was the right play. If I can see their cards its a no brainer, and they had just lost a large hand. Anyway I flip for 1/3 my chips and lose.

Then I lose the rest, really badly, again with TT. I raise, its flat called by someone who is involved in too many pots from the BB. He leads into a J75 board for 1200, about 1/2 the pot. I suspect he's bluffing and call, planning to take this away from him on the turn, but the suspicion doesn't match with the action or his history. Here I should raise or fold. I've got 8k left and could consider pushing, but I flat call.

The turn is a 7, so I'm losing to a 7 or a jack (or a slow-played higher pair/set) and he pushes. I don't even think this one (possibly fatigue) and call quickly, and he turns over QJ.

I bust out in 45th with the top 30 paying.

My late game image was 1) tight - as I had very few hands and 2) weak as the few raises I did make were defended and I had to let go. With this in mind I was reluctant to fold because it looked weak, but I didn't even think about it which is poor. I'm not sure even how much everyone's table image matters. I'm aware of my history, and tend to spot the patterns of a couple of players at my table - but I don't pay enough atttention to see the activity pattens of about 2/3 the table, so perhaps I give the other players too much credit when they attack me. Perhaps rather than picking on the weakest player at the table they've actually got a hand, and are fortunate to get called by someone holding second pair.

I'm peed off, because a few poor plays cost me lots in a tourny when I actually hit a lot of hands (several premium pairs, and 2 sets), and for patches played OK.


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