Wednesday, May 16, 2007

And Another!!

1st out of 303 in another £2+.25 on Crypto for £154. Lovely. I played quite well in this one actually, and I don't remember getting my chips in behind (although I probably did at one stage).

The final table was more interesting than the early play with one fellow establishing a big chip lead with about 5 left and bullying the table quite well. I knocked the other 3 players out, and went into heads-up still about a 3:1 underdog, but I played heads-up as well as I ever have. Not that well by many people's standards no doubt, but pretty well. I pulled back gradually and worked myself into a 3:1 chip lead without having to show down that many hands. Trip 10s was my best, and I was fortunate he called a river bet on that one.

After that he doubled up with the best hand till nearly equal, but I pulled away again (big cojones!) till I eventually won with top 2-pair against his second pair. Great!

This somewhat makes up for the disappointment last night of playing in a $22 tourny for a couple of hours only to go out on the bubble (in this case in 21st position). I was in the top 5-6 in chips, and there were a few shorties on my table trying to flold into the money. Stupidly I tangled with the only stack bigger than mine.

He limped from early position, and I raised 4x holding AJo. Passed round to him and he called. The pot was now about 2/3 of my stack size. He checked the rag flop and I thought for a bit and pushed. He insta-called and showed a slow-played QQ. I seem to be falling for this a bit too much at the moment - maybe my game is quite predictable in the later stages. I dunno. Anyway, thats the current hand that is sitting in my brain wondering what I could have done differently. I may dig the hand history out and ask the minds on 2+2.


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