Thursday, April 19, 2007

The buzz is back

Having complained poker was dull, a very satisfying second place has put me back in love with the game. It was only a Crypto £2.25, and the win was 'only' £100, but it was still pretty enjoyable. I'll have to re-read the hand history - but I don't remember getting really good cards until the final table. I then got AK/AQ/KK/KK in pretty short order. I pushed with them all, but only the last was called - because of my previous action no doubt.

I made a couple of really nice plays, and 1 lay-down with 77 on a 652 board. In the latter hand I raised and was called by the SB. He bet small, I raised and he pushed. I'd committed about 24k of my 60k stack, but I was sure I was behind so folded. Having said that he played like a maniac after this, trying to push the table around, so I may be wrong, but I still think it was correct.

Heads up was entertaining. I came back from about a 5:3 deficit to be even, and we to-ed and fro-ed for a while. I tended to make small stabs at the pot, and my opponent tended to push. I waited for a hand so I could catch him at it, but it didn't come before I decided to push/bluff myself. He called pre-flop and I raised my K7 3x the blinds, he called. Flop 10-x-x. Check-smallbet-call. K-high might be good and I'm planning to take this away on the turn. Turn is a 10, an ideal card I reckon. Check-smallbet-PUSH. Sadly for me he's got quads. gg, nh etc.

I need to find a good tournament at around this time. Assuming I'm wanting to start playing at around ~9.30 I've only got 1 tourny I want to play in for an hour - the 9.30 £2.25. After that is the turbo at 10.00 (too turbo-ish for me), the £25 (too expensive) before the £10 at 10:30. There must be a sensible tourny starting at 10ish I can play in as well as these - I'll have a look at FTP and (possibly) PKR (if I can stand the software).

I know Stars do 180-player SnGs, but they drag on with 15 minute levels, so take about 4 hours to finish. Too late for me if I'm starting at 10.00. Plus the $20/180s actually contain a number of decent players who multitable them. I'm sure there's calmer waters elsewhere.


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