Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Multitabling again

No sooner do I post about playing 2 final tables at one time, than I repeat the feat. This time (last night) I played two games and ended up coming in second in them both. This time though I felt I played the latter stages of the two games much better, with 2-tabling not being a huge disadvantage.

In the first tournament to finish players busted very quickly so the latter stages of the tournament were played with pretty deep stacks. At least 30BBs, probably deeper (40BBs initially IIRC). This led to some interesting play. My opponent though wanted to play for big pots - regularly pushing both pre and post-flop. I didn't get enough of any hands early to want to commit all my chips when I might be a long way behind (although I did consider it with A8o. Early he raised from the button, I re-raised and he shoved all-in. I folded, thinking I could probably find a better spot). I continued my strategy of trying to win lots of small pots, and it was marginally succesful. The chips stacks swung between roughly even, to him having a near 2/1 chip lead. I didn't have many hands at this stage to be fair.

I kept trying to limp the button, and he kept shoving over me. When a player does this (and we're deep enough) I'll limp with a strong hand intending to trap. My guess is that he was shoving either any 2, or any reasonably strong hand (and ace, pair, 2 broadway) so repeated this when I was finally dealt AQo - he pushed and turned over TT, winning the race. It was interesting.

The other table was more shallow and over in 2 or 3 hands. Villain min-raised pre, and I called in the BB with QT. Flop comes Q-high and I CRAI - he has AQ and I lose that one too.

I still think I'm a pretty good heads-up player, but the last few times I've made the last two I didn't think I had an edge, probably the reverse.

My bankroll is now $4150, approaching the $5k I need/want for Vegas. I've made $1100 this month, and I made $1400 in Feb (March being a tiny loss of around $2). Getting there.


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