Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Off to Vegas, slowing down at the tables, Harrinton on cash games

My big news is I've booked a trip to Vegas in October. Its the same deal as last time - direct Virgin flight, staying at the IP - only for a day longer. I'm really looking forward to it. The only downside is it is *so* far away. Why did I book it so late? Well a few reasons.

I wanted to miss the peak summer heat
I wanted it to be a bit quieter
I wanted to miss the WSOP, and the Venetian deep-stack events
I wanted the flights to be cheap.

Researching further though, I discover I could have gone at the end of May for the same price. No difference - just sooner.

One other reason I wanted to delay the holiday was to be able to earn some money playing poker to pay for it! I've got ~$3k online at the moment, but I really need another 2k - one to pay for the hol itself, and one to leave behind as a new roll. This will necessitate moving back down stakes when I withdraw, but I can live with that. I may actually pay for the holiday with "real" money, just financing the bankroll with my winning, we'll see.

Anyway, unsurprisingly FTP has disabled my BOOM switch, and so I'm running cooler at the moment. I'm not getting many good hands (although I'm not being sucked out on that often). I've barely been close to a cash recently until last night I completely misplayed a bubble hand where villain open-completed in the SB with AJ and I completely discounted the possibility of him having an A. The flop came A4x, and I had a 4 (46o, or possibly 42o). He made a small bet and I pushed which was really bad. If I read him right I could have got him off the hand with a small raise which I was just deep enough to get away from. Annoying.

I'm also reading Harrington on Cash games at the moment. I always knew I was bad at cash games, without quite knowing why. I do now. I've read the first 1/4 of volume 1, and I'm astonished at how little I understood, and how badly I was playing. The book says things like "tournament players often make this mistake ..." and I was doing all those things.

Anyway the hope now is I can improve my cash play without hopelessly compromising my tournament game.


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