Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cash, surprisingly

I've been carrying on reading Harrington on Cash games, and its been a real eye-opener. It teaches a very sound strategy for full ring cash games, so I've been strudying it quite a lot, and have improved my game so much.

I've spend a couple of sessions donking around on the $25NL tables on FTP, and have made a reasonable return so far. I've always said I'm pretty good at knowing how good a player I am in a given game and for the first time ever really I feel comfortable at a NL cash game - all be it very low stakes. I think at the moment that its worthwhile seeing a lot of flops in position cheaply at these levels as people are stacking off so light - so my stats show a much more passive approach than is recommended. I'm not quite sure how much this needs to change to be close to optimal at these stakes, but it certainly will if I ever move up.

1 hand sticks in my mind which I'm not sure about. I see a flop from LP with KQs, having called a min-raise. 3 to the flop which comes JTT. The first player to act bets about 2/3 the pot, the other player calls and so do I. The turn is an Ace, and I'm facing a larger bet from the initial player. I have to decide whether he has a boat or not. I discount JT from his range as I don't think he's going to bet a full-house, but I think he'll stack off with any other T. As it is all the money goes in and he turn over AJ for 2-pair losing to my straight or any T.

I've been doing OK at the 45/SnGs too, so my BR is now up to $3600, heading towards the 5k I need for Vegas. I've got enough now that I'm keeping a closer eye on the exchange rate. The pound seems to be going up at the moment, which isn't fantastic for me.

I've been running some maths on the 45-man games and the variance of them (and posted them on 2+2) and its really interesting to see what the gearing is between ROI and possible downswings. Consequently I'm definitely going to continue just 2-tabling for the time being. This is possibly a -ev cash move, but it will maximise my ROI (currently huge from a small volume) so reducing the chances of an extended downswing. My occasional cash diversions will help with this too, if I keep them up.

I also played in the TITN freeroll, and cashed in a quite a tough field, which was pleasing. Particularly impressively I managed to laydown QQ preflop - and it turned up I was against AA and KK. This is a move I rarely make, but it felt right - and I was deep enough to be able to do it.

Finally I've been keeping an eye on my OPR rankings, and currently I am (just) in the top 1% of players on Full Tilt, which is pretty pleasing. This is for 2009. For the last 120 days (and I haven't been playing regularly on FTP for that long) I'm 98.99%

I'll have to get a bit more live action in before I go to Vegas, but I'm not planning anything for a few weeks at least, I just want to keep grinding away online for a while.


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