Thursday, April 24, 2008

Another FT

Fifth this time, in the Crypto 10pm tourny, which now has a guarantee of $4k rather then the $4.5k. One assumes it used to he $5k, and will be less again in the future.

In the meantime I got a satisfactory fifth last night, but it wasn't a brilliant performance. I played OK - but I never really felt in control of the table as I sometimes do.

I've got this funny habit of taking on the strong players. There were a couple of weak fairly short stacks to my left, but I insisted on playing back at two stronger players on my right. One was daddy_g - who is always on the leaderboards and seemed a pretty good player. He check raised me all in with a flush draw and I called with KJ on a K-high board and he went bananas in the chat window - then had a go at some others.

I assume he's some young lad somewhere who is a good player but was somewhat lacking in manners. Gosh I sound old.

Anyway, I'm not sure attacking the strong players early on a FT is smart but thats what I did last night.

As I'm doing well again I might have another crack at the $109 tournies on Pokerroom. I'm not sure why I stopped playing on them now. It may have been a bankroll thing after paying for the Vegas trip. Playing on FTP is OK - but the satellites are something of a grind, and when your volume are as low as mine (probably a tournament every 2 days) its all a bit dull.


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