Sunday, November 05, 2006

Cashing Out

Aaah, the joys of winning.

On a small number of occasions now I've had the immense pleasure of cashing out my winnings - usually to the tune of a few hundred pounds. Nothing earth-shattering, and much less than many people win, but it does bring me some pride.

I'm incredibly lucky that what is now one of my main hobbies actually *makes* me money, rather than costing me considerable sums - as my other addiction (football) does.

I do have one rule about my winnings though - they must be used to buy something that I (or really my wife and I) wouldn't otherwise own. I'm not spending hour after hour shouting at the cards, only to have my hard-earned neteller cheque go towards a new set of brake pads for the car.

The first time I cashed out I (naturally) bought my wife a present. It was partly to demonstrate tangibly my new hobby was profitable, and partly to placate her for the reduced amount of time I was spending with her. I had recently sold some bits and bobs of mine on ebay to buy an ipod, and used my first winners cheque to get her a matching one.

Other objects purchased include, in increasing order of importance to me
* A camcorder
* A Nintendo DS
* One-half of a high-definition TV (I've promised to pay the other half with my next cheque)
* A holiday in Las Vegas.

Now I really want to be able to demonstrate how much I valued the last item. This editor allow me to put text in bold or italics. I really want to put 'a holiday in las vegas' in flashing pulsing colours, with animated fireworks launching around them.

That 4 days was amongst the most pleasurable times of my entire life. And it was free - well I paid for the flight and hotel, the food/drink/poker bankroll came out of my bank account. It was a stunning time, with 2 members of my family and was something I would wish to repeat one day. Sadly I suspect my recently-found global-warming-guilt will stop me taking any more unnecesary long-haul flights, but I did enjoy it.

I've also used my bankroll (twice) to take shots at higher level games. Once I had a bash at the Poker-Stars $55 games, and went on a disasterous streak where I was constantly out-played, and I had a crack at the Crypto £25 tournies where the standard was much higher, and I never cashed. I felt that I was able to play fine for much of the tournament but I suspect if I had ever got the the late stages I'd probably have struggled.

Comically Shark-scope has got those $55 games as my last games its recorded, so according to that I'm a terrible (and losing) player.

So I've got a few new electrical items and had a superb holiday, all on other people's money. Cheers!


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